Who is this bearded man? But more importantly, who is this giant ape beast that reaches out its arm in salutation?
Why, it's Gigantopithecus, a possibly real animal that has supposedly gone extinct. Or has it? There are many in the popcorn industry who believe anything they read. And they recently read that Gigantopithecus could quite possibly be still alive and living in the walls of Nevada gambling casinos. They ignored that second bit about the walls (quite wisely) and focused on the whole still alive part. Could Gigantopithecus be none other than Yeti, still around and now hanging out in incredibly cold wintry climes? The answer to that question can only be determined by those with an ability to foretell our destiny in people's palms, and I'll leave it to them. But without further ado, here's a look at what quite possibly could be Yeti, or at least someone pretending to be him.

Every single day, a man ascends to Gigantopithecus' head and begins to comb. The procedure is therapeutic for both man and GINORMOUS MAN-APE-THING alike.

The leprechauns want drawings? They got them.

This is just to give you a sense of scale. Look how FREAKING HUGE it is compared to, say, a kung fu fighter.