On the 2006 album "Christmas Songs For Children", it's presented alongside more traditional songs about sleigh rides and jingling bells.

You can listen to a snip of it here or here (# 5 on the playlist).
I hope you enjoyed all the holiday-related yeti stuff this month. I don't know why he'd have the blues. This is yeti's time to shine. Everybody love him right now. He's the life of the party. Heck, he's what's makin' the party happen. He works almost as hard as Santa Claus. Somebody give him up a medal. Or like a yak. Is there anybody got a yak for the gentleman?
Here is yeti doin' what he does best - doin' his part for the season's reason, endorsing something or other in a shop window display:

Three cheers for the yeti: (1) Huzzah; (2) Hooray; (3) Yippee.
Keep on doin' what you doin'. And troopin' & truckin'. And keepin' on. With your bad self. But also your highest self.
High. Five.
Hey! I never thought about the Bumble being a Yeti!
Bumble's the reason why the Yeti is so popular now!
Bumble is just the sound of a kid trying to say "Abominable".
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