If you visit the International Cryptozoology Museum, you can purchase this yetiornament to help support the museum. I wish I could go and check it out! Next time I'm in Maine, I will not hesitate to seek out this wonderful place. Hope they still have this ornament, because I wants it.
Over the last decade, there have been oodles of yeti-related items to procure for people in association with their specific gift-related Celebratory Days (Hannukah, Yule, Kwanzaa, Christmas, Cephalopodmas, etc.).
Last year, the most magnanimous giver could endow to her recipients the giant Gama Go figurine. Before that, one had the benefit of choosing from the plethora of merchandise created in association with Disney's Expedition Everest ride. And even before that, one could dispense with a number of toys depicting the lovable Bumble from the '60's Rudolph holiday special, which had been making a nostalgic comeback.
In previous years, I listed out the best yeti gifts for all Snow-Beast Bestowers out there. If inclined, one can see in more detail what I've suggested by following these links:
The new millennium's first decade is now coming to a close. Quality commodities which depict the semblance of the Abominable Snowman are still out there for you to take ownership of and then promptly relinquish to someone you care about for the purpose of a festive custom. For 2009, I have selected the gifts that I think will excite the lover of yetis in your life on his/her appropriate Celebratory Day(s).
Happy Giving!
Without question, Bill the Yeti by David Lanham is theyeti item to get this celebratory season. I can't afford the $60 price tag, but if I could, I would make myself the recipient of my gift-giving benevolence. Bill would be immediately joining the ranks of my personal yeti figure collection, which is graced by many of the gift stars of yesteryear.
There has never been a yeti in Victorian gentleman attire. It is unprecedented in the history of the universe. Miss Monster's Uncle Dapper is a must-have. At only $20 pre-order, this guy can easily stuff your stockings this year. Full disclosure: for Uncle Dapper, I have already made myself the recipient of my gift-giving benevolence.
Previously blogged about here, the Mugo is part USB drive, part MP3 Player, and part vinyl toy. There is a yeti version and it's $60 - not bad for three things in one. And it's a killer cool design by yeti-lovin' artist Tougui.
I wasn't able to track down a copy over this last year, but after watching this live reading by the authors, I must surely now most definitely track downa copy, and I'm thinking you might want to as well.
Finally, I strongly suggest finding the ideal yeti gift on Etsy and DeviantArt. Support the artists there by buying their handmade crafts, plushes, prints, paintings, drawings, etc. Most of the yetis I put up on this blog were created by artists from those sites. SUPPORT THEIR WONDERFUL WORK!
Sure, it's called Yeti, but does that make it a yeti? No. Especially when it's Friday and I put up "Not Yeti Friday" posts. That's usually your first clue.
This is the Yeti USB Microphone by Blue Microphones. Why do they call it Yeti? I think because of the way it looks. I would have said "Robot" myself, but I can kind of see a certain ape-like stance to it.
Blue Microphones has taken their fun name and run with it. They call its features "Legendary" and also have this to say:
"The legend of the Yeti continues with the most advanced and versatile multi-pattern USB microphone roaming the wild today."
Best of all - throughout the product's documentation, they use little, unique yeti depictions to help explain the different settings and uses:
Even with the obvious anatomical and artistic liberties taken, I personally want to thank Mr Monsterosity for doing his part to keep the kiwa hirsuta alive in our hearts.
"Gigantic plush yeti, named Jampa. He's five feet tall. By far, the biggest plush I've made! He's made from faux fur and fleece, and his mouth and hands can be posed."
You can contact her if you'd like to commission a custom made plush or doll.
I previously blogged about the yeti from the Darkstalkers videogame (in a big giant post) here. Though they call him a sasquatch, he's obviously supposed to be an hombre de las nieves.... I mean, come on!