Thursday, May 5, 2016

[Destination: Mexico] ¡CUIDADO!

¡Bienvenidos a México!  The Abominable Snowman is a menace alrededor del mundo. Translation: around the world.

But nowhere is he a menace as he is in Mexico.

Manuel Tirado

This  really cool yeti toy (part of a "Monstermania" series, and named "Ben" for some reason) were sold in Mexico a few years back. ¡Yo quiero!

Seen at the Day of the Dead festivities in Oaxaca:


Seen at the Hay Festival in Mexico City:



1963 chiller El Terrible Gigante de las Nieves

El Chapulín Colorado, the Mexican comedy TV series that ran through most of the 70s had an episode with an Abominable Snowman.

Mystery solved: # 4 from 2013 Mysteries Post


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