Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans

In the face of so many blessings, how does one express one's gratitude?

Snow Trolls.

(See previous Snow Troll Thanksgiving posts here and here)

This year I saw the film Trollhunter (2010).

If you like Snow Trolls, wait 'til you get to the end.

Hands down, BEST SNOW TROLL SEQUENCE since the Dawn of Time (when the Great Lord actually made the very best ever snow troll sequence, but chose (in His great mysterious wisdom) never to show it to Adam/Eve nor any of their descendents).

A pair of Sn'rolls!
By FenixTyphoon

Here's a recent Snow Troll on the cover of a comic book:  Cover of Issue 7 of Higher Earth.

Everybody know some Sno' Tro' have they faces on they chests. Live it!

by Frazer Irving

Odin Sphere (2007) was a PlayStation game. And looky this guy:

Enjoy the Day o' Givin' Thanks!

Thank YOU reading my blog.

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