Yeti Plushie by Saint Angel
One can't really get more Ablobinable than this. Cheers.
...so you didn't have to!
"We may love the yeti and its promise of wildness, its symbolism of high remote arêtes... but these emotions that may be fulminating and genuine do not by their intensity and strength change the weak and simple truth."
-- Lawrence W. Swan, Tales of the Himalaya: Adventures of a Naturalist
Large carbon footprints are a bad thing. The city wants to help people reduce them.
The Yeti, loved by all ages, is associated with footprints. Large ones.
Therefore, the perfect mascot for the campaign = Yeti!
Each Yeti has been made by hand, so no two will be alike. They are about 3 inches tall, so they will fit easily into your pocket. They are the perfect companions for your next adventure!
Shortly after the Great Unrest, Keldor was driven behind the Mystic Wall and Gygor, Lord of the Vine Jungle, led an army of beast men in a series of raids against the long forgotten Castle Greyskull, believing the many tales of its great and mysterious power. It was only through the combined powers of Oo-larr the jungle He-Man and The Goddess that Gygor was defeated and placed in a state of suspended animation. Eventually, Hordak returned to Eternia and the savage gorilla was freed by Evil-Lyn in her attempt to bolster Skeletor's forces agains the new Horde army. Gygor use his great strength to fight the Heroic Warriors.Here's the thing: No one has any idea what any of this means. Like, "Oo-larr the jungle He-Man"? No one has ever heard of him.