Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Saint Angel Yeti

Yeti Plushie by Saint Angel

One can't really get more Ablobinable than this. Cheers.

beauchamping Yeti

Yy is for Yeti in this Alphabet print by beauchamping

Big points for including nose and octopus, too. These being two of my other favorite things.

Btw, the yeti is in the Spanish version too.

Via babygadget

Say it isn't so

"We may love the yeti and its promise of wildness, its symbolism of high remote arêtes... but these emotions that may be fulminating and genuine do not by their intensity and strength change the weak and simple truth."

-- Lawrence W. Swan, Tales of the Himalaya: Adventures of a Naturalist

And what is the "Weak and Simple Truth"?

It's this:

Yeti = Mountain Fox with Peculiar Hopping Gait

You see, the vulpine footprints resemble those of a biped.



The Trickster strikes again!

Rolston Yeti

Jacquie Rolston painted this on her house's front window for Christmas 2009.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Australian Gum Commercial

Link to video

Carbon Yeti

Journey with me now to Bellevue, Washington. It is February 2008.

The city officials would like the citizens to curb their carbon emissions. A campaign is set in motion to educate young people about conservation and recycling. The following thought process occurs among the Utilities staff:
Large carbon footprints are a bad thing. The city wants to help people reduce them.

The Yeti, loved by all ages, is associated with footprints. Large ones.

Therefore, the perfect mascot for the campaign = Yeti!


The Carbon Yeti helps students learn how to recycle and shows them ways to help their families reduce energy use at home.

Utilities created a colorful a booklet that students can use. They made displays, pledge books, a website, and trading cards. They even made a mascot character to attend events, and he has his own facebook page where he dispenses conservation tips!

more where this photo came from here

The whole campaign was so genius that it won an award. In June 2010, Bellevue won the 2010 Youth Education Recycler of the Year from the Washington State Recycling Association.

Way to go, Bellevue! Good use of the Yeti!

Monday, September 27, 2010

p. 23 of Feb 1966 issue of Boy's Life

A kinda funny photo of His Abominableness.

Link to article in Google Books.

Guardians of the Globe Yeti

The first issue of Guardians of the Globe, previewed in this post, is now out!

It features a yeti named Yeti.

Jeff McClelland, creator of the comic Teddy and the Yeti (see my posts about Issues 1, 2, and 3) had a great blog post about Guardians of the Globe's Yeti with many pics, including this one:

In the below panel, he actually says "GOARRGH!" I'll add that right now to the Everything Yeti Has Ever Said page.

Zoo York Yeti

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Caveman and Yeti

Quezon City in the Philippines has a frozen dessert place called Caveman and Yeti (C&Y).

It looks amazing. Any self-respecting yeti lover would be remiss not to visit if one was in the area.

Here is the logo:

It sells flavored shaved snow dishes that are popular in neighboring asian countries. Several online reviews paint a very positive and delicious picture.

The interior of the store and the website are decked out in a nice cartoony style, featuring their two opposing characters.

They have a "Crazy Yeti Bowl" on the menu:

Image swiped from Cogito Ergo Sum's review

And if you can beat the record of tallest Yeti Bowl, you will be awarded Yeti of the Month and win free dessert every day of the month.

Blogger Kira Ramirez reviewed the place glowingly with many photographs:

Check out how they made it look like an ice cave!

Definitely see Kira's review for the full details.

Bring Caveman and Yeti to Austin Texas, please!

TinyPigeon's Pocket Yeti

TinyPigeon makes adorable Pocket Yetis you can purchase. Each has a name and a personality.

Each Yeti has been made by hand, so no two will be alike. They are about 3 inches tall, so they will fit easily into your pocket. They are the perfect companions for your next adventure!

Here's a roll-call:

Pocket Yeti Hank, who "may just tell you a yarn about his days as a pirate."

Pocket Yeti Eliza, who has "never has she felt so alive!"

Pocket Yeti Clara, who "loves to get her hands dirty in her garden."

Pocket Yeti Paige, who is "quite the socialite."

Pocket Yeti Sheree, who "loves to hang out at the local donut shop."

Pocket Yeti Wendell, who "enjoys mucking about in puddles."

Pocket Yeti Poppa, who "loves apple pie, especially when it has the lattice crust."

Pocket Yeti Julian, who will "help you finish off that waffle cone!"

Pocket Yeti Paola, who "wears a small cluster of coral in her hair."

Pocket Yeti Orion, who is "trying to figure out the meaning of it all."

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Aclin Yeti

Crop of just the yeti from yeti n rain guy by Jesse Aclin aka ~Jmoneydadoobiest on deviantART


Ten years ago, folks woulda looked at this and thought "goat man".

Goat Men are now visually synonymous with Yeti.

Just something to think about.

Yeti Hunting Club

Yeti is really big in the fashion world this year. Yow!

A case-in-point: Japanese brand nonnative has a Fall/Winter collection for men this year called "Yeti Hunting Club".

It doesn't have much to do with yeti - just outdoorsy stuff with a little hunter's orange. EXCEPT! they knock it out of the park with this one lovely t-shirt design featuring the abominable one.

Here are some pictures (from here):

I really dig the design. Too bad it is prohibitively expensive. $132.81 plus overseas shipping.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Miller Yeti

Vector Yeti Dudes by Jherin Miller aka ~supahbuttahtoast on deviantART

The artist behind these angular designs disguised herself as Max from "Where the Wild Things Are" for Halloween. This resulted in her having a superabundance of yeti-ish fabric. She plans on using the excess fabric to mold plush toys using the above designs. Godspeed.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Yeti and Yeti Crab in Suits

Illustrator Samuel Washburn (blog|portfolio) just this week finished up 365 drawings - a drawing every day for a year! - of various animals wearing suits. The project was called Animals in Suits.

Right near the end there, Mr. Washburn put the icing on the cake. For numbers 359 and 361, he chose to visually fashion the Yeti and the Yeti Crab:

Animal #359: Yeti

Animal #361: Yeti Crab

Congratulations are in order, Mr. Washburn!

Make yourself some puppets

yeti and climbers and goat by Shing Khohr, aka *oddhatter on deviantART

Basil and Barney's Swap Shop

Basil's Swap Shop is a Saturday morning children's show in Britain.

A character on the show is known as "Ugly Yeti". This is the only known photograph, shared by the show's host Barney Harwood.

From here.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Not Yeti Friday - Gygor

I've posted about a couple of grotesques from the He-Man universe before: Grizzlor and Stratos.

But not GYGOR!

And there's a reason. He didn't actually exist until now.

Just this week the action figure for Gygor came out for you to BUY!

Yanked from Plastic & Plush

Gygor is so HUGE and so YELLOW that you will have to fork out quite a bit of moolah for this exclusive Action Figure of an Action Gorilla. Look at that axe! Is that obsidian?

Here's his packaging:

Note carefully his description: "Evil Fighting Gorilla"

Incidentally, this is all anyone knows about him. Just that he's evil and that he's fighting. And obviously, he's bright yellow. And also, he's yellowing. This, one has to presume.

I mean, look at him. It's not hard to imagine he was originally green and is now starting to ripen. Like a banana. Could he actually be a BANANIMAL (of Fabled Olde)?! I will leave further conjecture & debate on this matter to the esteemed voices in my head. One of them is a professor.

So Gygor was never actually a figure in the 1980's. They just made a prototype back then:

He has been improved.

FYI, there is a little blurb on the back of the new figure's packaging:

Shortly after the Great Unrest, Keldor was driven behind the Mystic Wall and Gygor, Lord of the Vine Jungle, led an army of beast men in a series of raids against the long forgotten Castle Greyskull, believing the many tales of its great and mysterious power. It was only through the combined powers of Oo-larr the jungle He-Man and The Goddess that Gygor was defeated and placed in a state of suspended animation. Eventually, Hordak returned to Eternia and the savage gorilla was freed by Evil-Lyn in her attempt to bolster Skeletor's forces agains the new Horde army. Gygor use his great strength to fight the Heroic Warriors.
Here's the thing: No one has any idea what any of this means. Like, "Oo-larr the jungle He-Man"? No one has ever heard of him.

Gygor, You enygma, you!

Anyway, current He-Man fans were excited to draw up artistic depictions of Gygor, who, you have to admit, kinda takes the cake being a giant yellow armored gorilla:

Bootleg fan-art from the message board

Leoghan fan art from the message board

2-Bad fan art from the message board

MechaShiva fan art from Poe Ghostal's

Megalodon custom from the message board


Welcome, Gygor, to the world. You've made it, baby. Don't ripen too fast and turn brown. And become inedible. Also, don't peel. People might trip on you for comedic effect. No one wants that. Also, it might be considered ironic. You being a big monkey and all. Maybe they should have called you Evil Fighting Monkey-Banana.

Stay Fighting.

Latulippe Yeti

Little Big Foot by Luc Latulippe

I know Latulippe calls it a Big Foot, but it's red.


Thanks, Paul!

Yeti Infusion in the Zeitgeist

As you've seen in over a thousand posts on this blog, artists and creators the world over are always trying to depict yeti visually.

The people LOVE the yeti.

The love is so great and yetis are so popular that references to the Abominable Snowman have even permeated into other areas of the Zeitgeist.

People attach the yeti's name to something else to make it more popular. They even attach yeti's feet.


Yeti is the name of a cooler:

Yeti is the name of a band:

Yeti is the name of a microphone - (previously blogged about):

Yeti is the name of a bicycle:

Yeti is the name of an automobile - (previously blogged about):

Yeti's legs are the fashion accessory of the year, thanks largely to Chanel's line - (previously blogged about):

Related Links:
1) Recent article road-testing them.
2) Loren Coleman has a great post on Cryptomundo collecting together all the yeti boots love out there right now.



  • Yeti is the name of an open source project to provide YUI testing from the command line.

  • Yeti is an adjective. It is defined as something which "once you witness it, it may change your life, and you'll have a better understanding of what's going on. You gotta see it to believe it." (source)

  • A "Yeti Gaiter" is established industry jargon for a garment worn over the shoe and lower pant leg which forms "a waterproof seal around the rand of the boot turning them in to mountain wellies." (source)

  • Yeti Crab is the name of a newly discovered species of animal.

  • According to Urban Dictionary, it's the term for a bad skier, marijuana buds that have many trichomes, a female one doesn't like and wishes to insult, and something really dope (like a hard to find hip hop song).
  • Wednesday, September 15, 2010

    Elise Yeti

    Jordan Elise (blog|etsy shop|spoonflower) really loves the yeti. Look at all this work of hers starring the Abominable Snow-Muse!

    handpuppet fabric sold at spoonflower

    taxidermy head sold at etsy

    cabinet creature

    abominable snowman pattern

    plush (bigfoot is on the other side)

    Thanks, Kelly! xoxo

    Monday, September 13, 2010

    Krapf Yeti

    Last Not Yeti Friday I posted about Monsterhill, a design for a t-shirt.

    The same artist, Andreas Krapf, actually made another, more yetiish design, entitled "deadly goldmine":

    Hmm, he's something of a nerd. I wonder if this is the beginning of a trend.

    Plum Yeti

    Betty the Yeti by ~FallGirl (Leslie Plum) on deviantART