Dunkin' Donuts is using the yeti in its promotions. Kind of strange, this whole "yeDDi" thing. But anyway.
I would like to draw your attention to the fine print within the ad.
What is with this "affectionately known as sasquatch" part?
Who affectionately knows the yeti as "sasquatch"?!
Affection implies intimacy.
And who intimate enough with the yeti would conceivably call it "sasquatch"?!!
Is it like a playful tease? A tongue-in-cheek pet-name? Maybe the intimate person affectionately calling the yeti "sasquatch" is playing on the common misperception that yeti=bigfoot=sasquatch. They're like: "I'm going to start calling you sasquatch just as a little joke between us!"
It's hard for me to imagine the affection running the other way.
Oh, there is the character from the Darkstalkers video game. He's basically a yeti that everyone calls Sasquatch. Maybe there's some connection we don't know about between Dunkin' Donuts and Darkstalkers. A conspiracy?
omg! yes! I'm gonna be the next yeddi! I just had an ice coffee yesterday even though there is a ton of snow on the ground and it was only about 30 degrees out. I also live right next door to a dunkin' donuts.
Someone needs to capture your image drinking said beverage, Raven. This will make you a yeDDi! Get thee to a Dunkin' Donuts, or as I affectionately call it, a STARBUCKS.
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