Don Clark created Freddy Mushyeti to swap a yeti with Nate Wragg.
According to the artist:
"He may look a bit menacing, but I guarantee he’s harmless. As for the rest of the ‘Mushyeti’s’ crew, I can’t exactly say the same."
...so you didn't have to!
I have posted in your blog on the post about my "Abominable" sculpt for Ryan Schifrin's movie "Abominable". Well, I have a OOAK Albino "Ultra Violence" version that has been included in Freeman's Pop Culture auction 09/03/10 and thought you might like the images and info for your blog. Here is a link to the post on my blog and links in this post to Freeman's auction, my site (w/ several other versions of Abominable I have produced), as well as links to the Official movie site (which btw, Abominable II is in the works).
Best Regards,
Marty Hansen aka "THEGODBEAST"
"The jawas or Hothawas of the planet Hoth are a more robust breed that [sic] the standard jawa, these little creatures have adapted to the bitter cold by hunting Wampa for fur and meat."
This Plush Yeti is made from upcycled fleece blankets and jackets. His good eye is created with a vintage buttons and he is stuffed with recycled plastic shopping bags.
Perhaps only a double-rainbow can match the sheer beauty of seeing a herd of wild yetis grazing in an Alpine meadow. A little known fact about yetis is that they are surprisingly good at fishing. This should be taken with a grain of salt, however, for they are also good at lying.