A robot yeti?... No, just a custom Bionicle monster. By Tekka Croe.
A yeti from He-Man: Masters of the Universe?... No, it's just Stratos, leader of a race of Bird People.
An olden-times yeti? No, just a weird WTF photo from Black and WTF.
And finally, via Cryptomundo: This is the new robotic Bigfoot toy coming out in June from Fisher-Price. It flips, stomps, and grimaces - and for no discernible reason comes with a red ball and plastic leaf. Watch out, this might end up being as huge as Tickle Me Elmo. It really should be posted on a Bigfoot site as a "Not Bigfoot". Look at it. Loren Coleman writes: "It would seem the forthcoming Winter Olympics’ Quatchi may be more accurate [to actual reports of Sasquatch from the Pacific Northwest forests] than this fella." I agree and take it a step further: This fella isn't even accurate to non-zoological popular culture conceptions of Bigfoot. He looks like a regular cartoon human with a big mouth, bushy eyebrows, tusks, no neck, wearing a brown superhero suit. Calling it "My Little Weird Half-Ogre" would have been better.
Have a good weekend!
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