Friday, August 28, 2009

Not Yeti Friday - Eisley the cat

This cat looks like a yeti.

But it's not.

See more pics here of Eisley.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Eddie the Yeti, a Wampa in the Wild

Kevin Scott has a Wampa costume and has a great photo gallery, Wampa in the Wild, about his adventures about town.

He calls him "Eddie the Yeti" and usually takes him out to Alta ski resort in Utah at least once a year. The kids love him!

It's an impressive disguise.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Noschese Yeti

Today has a hockey theme.

This is by Kip Noschese.

Kip also made a yeti here.

Ice Men Hockey Teams Love the Yeti

Apparently, if you are a hockey team and you are called the Ice Men, then you are likely to choose the yeti as your logo. Observe:

The Evansville hockey team originally had a polar bear in their logo - which didn't really make any sense (unless it's meant to be a Were-Bear?), plus it turned out to be plagiarized. So they did what anyone sensible would do and switched it to a yeti.

Problem solved, right? But the fans didn't like it apparently - so they switched it right away to an angry Eskimo. Does that make any sense? Why not just make another yeti? Maybe fans just didn't like the tusks. Looks a little too much like Chewbacca's dad Itchy from the Star Wars Holiday Special. Toss the tusks and throw some eyes in there and I think the fans would have approved.

Bruce Cooke made this one for his friends who have a team. Kudos regarding the puck with a skull on it. I've always maintained that yetis go well with skulls.

This Brampton team may just be taking it sort of literally - using a man made out of ice. But I say it's yeti. I mean, what is a yeti really but a man made out of ice?

And this one's not a team but a hockey school. Counts.

Here are a couple more.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Roogoo: Twisted Towers Yeti

Roogoo: Twisted Towers for Nintendo Wii has a yeti game boss.

Here's some game-play footage:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Halloween is about 2 months away

It's that time of the year. Time to think about what you're going to be for Halloween. Well, stop thinking about it! The answer is right in front of your face. Also: it's fanged, white-furred, and bestial.

That's right, I urge you to be a yeti for Halloween 2009. Just like Scott did above and like this awesome kid.

Way to go, guys!

It truly is the perfect disguise costume.

Got money?

If you have $150, you could order the above costume online.

Don't got money?

Make it yourself! I found an Instructable that will teach you how to make an Abominable Snowman mask. And I'm sure there are other resources online.

Worse comes to worst, just wear white sweatpants and stick a pillowcase with eye-holes over your head. Boom!

Let's make this Halloween the most ABOMINABLE in recent memory. You will blow everyone away with your Halloweezardry.

This I foresee: On October 31st, the Yetis shall walk the night!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Luther Yeti

This is a t-shirt design submitted on Threadless by Anna Luther, depicting "Yeti Family Vacay".

Baker Yeti

Mike R. Baker participates in Illustration Friday and depicted a yeti in lederhosen here and also here.

(My personal fav is his Loch Ness Monster.)

Torka Yeti

By torka, this earns an update to the Everything Yeti Has Ever Said page.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Speakerdog Matucha Yeti

This is "Mr Yetti" by Matucha. It's part of Series 6 of the Speakerdog Paper Toys, which were created by illustrator Ben O'Brien.

If you go here, you can actually download a pdf of the design so you can make this guy.

Yeti Kong t-shirt

You can get a t-shirt from Gama-Go that does a mash-up of yeti and Donkey Kong!