Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Halloween is about 2 months away

It's that time of the year. Time to think about what you're going to be for Halloween. Well, stop thinking about it! The answer is right in front of your face. Also: it's fanged, white-furred, and bestial.

That's right, I urge you to be a yeti for Halloween 2009. Just like Scott did above and like this awesome kid.

Way to go, guys!

It truly is the perfect disguise costume.

Got money?

If you have $150, you could order the above costume online.

Don't got money?

Make it yourself! I found an Instructable that will teach you how to make an Abominable Snowman mask. And I'm sure there are other resources online.

Worse comes to worst, just wear white sweatpants and stick a pillowcase with eye-holes over your head. Boom!

Let's make this Halloween the most ABOMINABLE in recent memory. You will blow everyone away with your Halloweezardry.

This I foresee: On October 31st, the Yetis shall walk the night!

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