Besides a photo or two and a single grainy, rarely-seen video, nothing else has happened. Some people blogged about it the month it was discovered, saying things like "WHOAH!" and "WHAT A WEIRD ANIMAL!" and "I WONDER WHAT ONE WOULD TASTE LIKE!", but other than that, there has been little fanfare. The world has been mysteriously silent on the subject of the yeti crab. Have people forgotten?
It is my honor and pleasure to rectify this situation. I periodically sift through the W.W.W. to collect for you here the examples of the kiwa hirsuta's impact on popular culture. Here is everything noteworthy I could find about this truly amazing REAL LIVE creature since my last update:

Kristen McQuillin crafted one, then Mandy Jouan. And now Zoe (the unicorn) Alexander (aka inner-etch on deviantart) has done it as well! Her skills have produced a fabulous plush representation worthy of the Ages. These three women should be commended for their artistry and pioneering choice of subject matter.

Wanting to design a fake Pokemon character, fuzzball288 on deviantart was inspired by the one-and-only yeti crab to conceive the above

Curster made a designer toy of the non-crab yeti which I've blogged about before. And unless it's a complete coincidence, they decided to honor the kiwa hirsuta with a yeti crab version! Way to go, Curster.
CONGRATULATIONS to the artists and designers. Together we can keep this exciting cryptozoological event in our hearts and minds.
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