Thursday, May 31, 2007


Spafford the yeti is one of the stars of The Wippets, a puppet show you can watch online.

His puppet was created by Nate Pacheco, and here are some of Nate's original design sketches.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I Love Red Pandas

Red Pandas are the best!

Like the yeti, they are native to the Himalayas.

Also, according to Wikipedia:

"If a Red Panda feels threatened or senses danger, it will often try to scamper up into an inaccessible rock column or a tree. If they can no longer flee, they stand up on their hind legs, which makes them appear somewhat more daunting and... allows them... [to use] the razor-sharp claws on their front paws, which can inflict substantial wounds. Red Pandas are friendly, but are not helpless, and will resist if they feel threatened."

Love red pandas? Check out this post.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Yeti Lovers Official Fan Club

Looks like you can get yourself a t-shirt here.

This is not connected in any way to this blog.

I am not even a member of the Yeti Lovers Offical Fan Club. I don't even know if it exists. Hey, that should be the motto of the fan club:

"We don't even know if it exists."

Still, nice tee.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Mystery of the Giant Yeti

Found all these photos of people posing in front of a giant life-like Abominable Snowman statue... but I don't know where this is! Does anyone know? I think it's in Houston, TX, but I'm not sure. Please add a comment to this post with its location if you know!

Yeti Crab Fine Art

Lily Simonson has chosen the yeti crab her subject matter in these two paintings.

Portrait of a Yeti (Oil on Canvas/24"x36"/2006)

Yearning Yeti Crabs (detail) (Oil on Canvas/96"x72"/2006)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Zelda Yeti

There is a yeti couple in "Twilight Princess", the new Zelda video game for Gamecube/Wii.

In the game, they are very helpful... (*wink!*)

Not Yeti

This is some other animal in disguise. Don't be fooled.

This is a polar bear. Hard to believe, I know.

This sure looks like a yeti. But it's NOT.


STILL not yeti.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Loren Coleman on his blog recently discussed new yeti related content in a post entitled: Abominable Snowmen Are Hot!

The article highlights a new Paris exposition of Ludovic Boulard Le Fur! Friends of "I Love The Yeti" may remember I posted about his work back in October.

Congratulations, Ludovic!

Clubs = Staves

Unknown Russian artist paints armored yeti weilding a club.

I'm putting this under the "Staves" label. A club is essentially a stave. Wikipedia agrees.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Monday, May 21, 2007

Friday, May 18, 2007

Ain't no yeti like a Gama-Go yeti...

All of the above can be on your tee shirt.

Other products in the line.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Kuhl's Plush Yeti

Betty the Yeti


Serena Kuhl

"Betty wants only to get along with others, but sometimes finds his Yeti nature gets the better of him. He went on a hypoglycemically incurred rampage and tore through a local village, harming some and seriously wounding one small boy with a spoon. As a result he now lives alone with his two pet mountain goats."

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Baron Weirwulf presents... Norman Dyhrenfürth

If you'd be so kind, click to enlarge and read this comic I found via the excellent datajunkie.

At the end, "Baron Weirwulf" mentions a Dr. Norman Dyrenfurth. It's really Dyhrenfürth, with an h and an umlaut. And I don't think he was a doctor.

No, Norman was an intrepid Swiss-American mountaineer, explorer, and filmmaker. His father, Günther Oskar Dyhrenfürth, was all that and more: a geologist, geographer, professor, and doctor. Teamed up with his wife (Norman's mom) Hettie, the couple explored the Himalayas and were awarded Olympic medals for their climbing feats. That's probably where Baron Weirwulf (and most of the Internet) got mixed up.

Norman, 1960's

Following in the literal snow-footprints of his parents, Norman headed the famous 1963 Everest expedition at age 45. I believe he is still alive today!

Norman, today

What the comic says about him regarding yeti is based on truth. Norman undertook a yeti investigation in 1958, found mysterious footprints, and had this to say (reported in "Western Folklore", XVII, 1958, p.50):

"We return fully convinced the Yeti is a human-like, rare and fast-disappearing creature possessing the intelligence of a normal grown-up man."

During the expedition, one of the sherpa reported seeing a four-foot one "collecting frogs in a rivulet".

Frog-collecting? Add that to yeti's attributes!

Another of the diminutive variety was described by its observer as "bear-like".

Norman is the creator of the documentary The Search for the Yeti, whose first few minutes are available to watch free online via Google Video.

Thanks, Baron Weirwulf! I wonder what else is in that library of yours?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

On the Verge, or The Geography of Yearning [to see this play]

A photo from a production of the play, On the Verge (or The Geography of Yearning) which features the yeti.

I've blogged about this play before long ago.

Still really want to see it.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Double Take

Wait, that's not yeti!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Surprise Attack

You can buy this t-shirt design by Drout750 at: Oddica.

What's going on?

"A team of Yetis launches a surprise attack on the Abominable Penguin."

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Future of Yeti

You know, just because yeti is naked, feral, frozen, and living in cave doesn't mean yeti will be doing that forever.

People change. Look at us humans. We were naked, feral, frozen, and living in cave once, too. How you like us now? Same thing could happen to the yeti.

Today, I'd like to look at the Future of the Abominable Snowman. What will happen? What is the Destiny of the Cold One? Could the destiny be... in the stars?!

At the very least, yeti will be wearing futuristic clothes. That much can be extrapolated from recent trends. Will he be a dapper sophisticate? Thanks to the stylistic musings of visionary Reilly Brown, we can see the definitive articulation of that question's answer when in the affirmative.

There is nothing colder than space. So the "ice-quatch" will have no trouble fitting in. Their space-suits might even be cheaper than ours.

But what if yeti never rises up to this kind of level? What if aliens just employ them as henchman in their nefarious plots to foil Terran ambitions? Hey, sounds good to me. Don't knock it.


The ultimate destination in the yeti evolution may be to become totally synthetic. And probably able to transform. Into like, say, a boat.

No matter the outcome, yeti is here to stay.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Torg the Abominable Snow-King


The Mighty TORG!

Fun Facts about Torg:

  • He is a sea yeti what lives under-the-sea.

  • He can command sea lions to do his bidding.

  • He is also known as "the Abominable Snow-King" and "the Antarctic Abomination".

  • His job: "Destroyer of Ships"

    Not a bad job, if you can get it.

    More about Torg, two-time enemy of the Sub-Mariner
  • Friday, May 4, 2007

    Winner of the Most Insane

    Back in 1977, a toy company called Tomland made one of the first ever Abominable Snowman action figures as part of its Famous Monsters of Legend series. The result...

    ...probably the most insane far-fetched depiction of yeti ever - and certainly the most insane action figure depiction of yeti.

    I don't have any idea how this figure came to be, though I'd love to know. How? What? Why?!

    Later, the toy company used the exact same design for their Star Wars knock-off series called Star Raiders, which is not based on any actual movie, tv show, or cartoon. It's just an excuse to sell bad toys. The toy company dubbed the new made-up alien: "Tago".

    You should see the other aliens with names like Oov, Zhor, Wik, Yick, Coth, and my favorite: "Ah".

    I would have thought they would have made up Tago first then used it for the Abominable Snowman figure (very lazily, I might add), but it turns out it was the other way around. Yeti precedes Tago.

    Later, in 1982, the toy company released Tago again as a Space Person. This is my favorite. I think they really got Tago in his all his glory this time.

    See the picture to see what I mean.

    Viva la Tago!