A year ago I pitched an idea for a movie...
Chimp In A Blimp.
Here is the synopsis:
Buddy the lovable chimpanzee escapes from the zoo and "chimp"-jacks a blimp to HILARIOUS RESULTS. It's "up, up, and away" for our Buddy who manages to charm his way into the hearts of the passengers, especially the stewardesses. A brief stop at the U.N. allows Buddy to help out his new friend the Ambassador and save the world's nations from war! Good thing Buddy knows how to swing around on ropes just like Tarzan. He even knows how to yell like Tarzan! You'll laugh when he imitates Tarzan a lot and mistakes the Arabian Crescent, a stolen heirloom of the Sultan's, for a banana! Plus he wears human clothes to hilarious effect and, in one extremely surprising but oddly touching moment, solemnly dons an old lady disguise!All this talk about
yeti being a chimpanzee has got me thinking. That's right, folks. I already have an idea for a
sequel to Chimp In A Blimp! And this is before the first one has
even come out yet nor in fact has even been scripted. Any Hollywoodies out there reading this? Then you know that having a sequel idea already in place for your movie-concept is a major point in one's favor. How many times have producers, after hearing a pitch, suddenly found the following thought being trumpeted in their minds like a fire alarm:
"But what would a sequel be like?! That's right - after the movie is made and comes out in theatres, you'd be up a creek without a paddle. Nothing to do but nervously twiddle your thumbs. But not with me! My idea for
Chimp In A Blimp 2 gives the reassurance Hollywood craves and needs. We're talking already-conceived franchise material here. I've done all the work. You just sit back and smoke your ritzy cigars.
So here's my idea for Chimp In A Blimp 2: Buddy On Ice. I haven't written the pitch yet (that would take me weeks and I would have to book a hotel, lock the door, see absolutely no one, and shut out all light sources), but I do have some initial thoughts. Buddy, piloting his blimp alone on the way to Hawaii, crash-lands (to many chuckles) deep within the frozen mountains. As he wanders around, having fun and goofing off, people think he's the Abominable Snowman. Legends begin to brew. Is this the
yeti? His footprints convince notable scientists that he is clearly different and also significantly better than the bigfoot. Some gangsters disguised as yak are thwarted by Buddy's apey good fun. They think he's the legendary Snowman, see? And they get scared and run away. Buddy thwarts them with his enjoyable scare tactics. A rare form of "ice banana" is discovered, and out of gratitude, the sherpa name it after him. Their community is saved from corporate greed! He also snowboards in an exciting chase sequence. But it's less of a chase and more of a "Look out, Buddy! You are accidently snowboarding and doing all these amazing stunts and Oh! I am laughing!" kind of a sequence. Shenanigants are also had with a ski-lift and an avalanche and a snowball fight and Buddy's tongue getting stuck to a pole.
Hallowood, I am your man.