Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Heroes of October 31, 2014

This year, we had an unprecedented TWENTY FIVE (25) valiant persons that decided to "Assume the Identity", or put on a yeti costume, on the 31st of October, AD 2014, in traditional fashion as is customary for the most heroic among us, so as to honor the American Hallowe'en festival which falls annually upon that date.

Scroll down to see the honoree designated the Greatest Hero of October 31, 2014.

We salute you.

We salute you.
We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.

We salute you.
This Father & Son team gets a special mention.  The son wanted to be Harold from the Matterhorn ride, and the father joined him on the heroism.  "The eyes glow because the one on the ride does."

We salute you.

Also deserving a handshake (or TEN (10)!) is this costumer dressed as a yeti crab.

The winner of the DAY is actually one of my personal heroes (before she ever donned the white fur):  Cammi Upton, who made the awesome, astounding, amazing Gravlax yeti sculptures (previously blogged about here and here and here.)

And now her heroic status has reached epic levels this year as she made the admirable decision to HAND-CRAFT her own mind-blowing, super-incredible yeti head, and instead of just wearing it, she stuck it on a stick and disguised herself up as a tough-as-nails, hard-bitten Yeti Hunter. 

We salute you.

Congratulations, Cammi Upton!  You are the greatest HERO of All Time *

* specifically October 31, 2014 (but since you made the Gravlax yetis, I will extend this a few weeks into November.)

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