Monday, September 24, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Not Yeti Friday - Gúta from Halo: Reach

Here's an outer space ape... the Gúta from the Halo: Reach video game (2010). Pronounced "Gueta", it is a gigantic ape-like species found on the planet Reach.

Snow Beast Movie Poster

Poster for Snowbeast by John Vogl

Yeti is evocative of mountain peak... Nice.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Schreiber Yeti

Yeti by Henry Schreiber

Busch Gardens' Alpengeist Yeti

Alpengeist is a roller coaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg in James City County, Virginia. There is a "runaway ski lift on an ice mountain" theme to the ride.

Over the years, the theme park's marketing people have used an image of a Yeti (the monstrous spirit of the mountain (aka the "Alpengeist")) to promote it. Great minds apparently think alike - am I right?

I had to do quite a bit of digging around to find the below images. You can thank me later.



Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Talk Like a Pirate Day




And finally, the greatest puppet show evarrr?


'N here be some more scurvy pirate yetis, me hearties.
'N don't forget - thar's goin' to be a pirate yeti playable character in an upcomin'
video game.

Filstrup Yeti

Jolly Good by Sam Filstrup

Note t' me self: Please add "Jolly Good!" t' th' Everythin' Yeti Has Ere Said page.  And swab the decks o' bilge while yer at it, ye lily-livered swine.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Yeti 4 Hire

Back in April 2010 I blogged about Jeff Crowther and the children's book he was developing about a Yeti working at various jobs.

Now it's a recently launched webcomic! 

Yeti Arcade: Atlantis: The Lost Empire - Trial By Fire

Here's another video game based on a kids' cartoon (see theme last week), only it's a film this time, not a television series...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Squishable Yeti

The Squishable Yeti plush will be on sale this Fall/Winter 2012.

More as I know it.

Wynia's Legacy

As previously blogged about, Brian Wynia teaches a 3D modelling course using the Yeti as a subject.

In my trawlings, I discovered the class work of some of his students has reached the Online Web-Space. I display it now for your pleasure:

Friday, September 14, 2012

Not Yeti Friday - Kids' Cartoons

SpongeBob SquarePants
(1999 - present) had an episode "Frozen Face-Off" where an Abominable Snow Mollusk appeared in stop-motion in an obvious homage to Bumble.

Christmas Comes to Pac-Land (1982) was a Christmas special where an Abominable Pac-Snowman appeared to chase Pac-Man and friends. Turns out it was just Pac-Baby riding a tricycle.

Tom and Jerry (1960-1967) had an episode The A-tom-inable Snowman where Tom chases Jerry in the snowy alps.  There is no Yeti.

Hong Kong Phooey (1974) had an episode The Abominable Snowman (watch here) where a human criminal nicknamed "The Abominable Snowman" steals ski lift equipment to make his own ski lodge.  There is no Yeti.

Sixties Cartoons - Help!!

These 1960's cartoons depicted Yetis, but I CANNOT FIND THEM ONLINE.

Can you help?

DoDo: The Kid from Outer Space (1965-1970) had an episode entitled "Abominable Snowman".

Johnny Cypher in Dimension Zero (1967) had an episode entitled The Abominable Snowman

In Rocky and Bullwinkle's Jet Fuel Formula (1959-1960)  - the longest running story arc for Rocky & Bullwinkle, the two aliens Gidney and Cloyd (pictured) allegedly disguised themselves as an Abominable Snowman.

Snooper and Blabber (1959-1962) episode Scoop Snoop has this plot: "Snooper and Blabber travel to the Himilayas to photograph an abominable snowman. Blabber gets successful photo shots."

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mighty Max vs. Yeti

Mighty Max (1993-1994) was a British cartoon.  Check out the Yeti in the video below, 8:20 in.