Monday, May 7, 2012

Hotel Transylvania

I saw the claymation film The Pirates! last week  (lovely flick - go see it! Support claymation!), and it has a Yeti cameo in it! At least, my wife assures me it does.  I blinked and completely missed it.  It's during one of the map sequences - so pay attention!  If anyone happens to have a screen grab, please send to me and I'll share it on the blog.

Anyway, before the film began, there was a trailer for Hotel Transylvania, an upcoming 3D-animated film from Sony, and it appears Yeti will have a cameo in it as well:

Here's the trailer:

At the beginning Dracula speaks to a "Mr. Bigfoot" and he looks like this (note how gigantic he is)...

Then later, Dracula is seen interacting with this character (note how smaller he appears)...

In both cases, it looks like a classic, pop-culture Yeti (inspired by Bumble from the Rudolph special) with white fur, blue face, and horns - none of which are Bigfoot characteristics.

Are they really going to refer to what is clearly a Yeti as "Bigfoot" throughout the film?

Boy, would that be something or what?

And what's with the giant version and the normal size version?   Same creature?

Rest easy, I'll be monitoring the situation from my headquarter command station. Such is the burden of my duty.


  1. Did you go see Hotel Transylvania? It was so cute! Lots of yeti, wampa, Bigfoots (bigfeet?), abominables, yeticorns, and other various snow beasts. Loved it! :)

  2. Haven't seen it. Thanks for the recommendaiton. Do they refer to a white-furred yeti as "Bigfoot"?

  3. No, the one specifically called Bigfoot is a large brown fella, so no confusion for the masses :)

  4. I'm glad to hear it. I saw this official Sony character page and I thought otherwise.
