Friday, November 4, 2011

Not Yeti Friday - Arctic Bullymong

The upcoming video game Borderlands 2 will feature a creature called an Arctic Bullymong. Some preview screenshots reveal a mighty, hulking four-armed ape-beast of the tundra what reminds one of yeti!

I for one applaud the designers for including a yeti-like baddie in their game. I also applaud them calling it a "Bullymong", which is a pretty decent name for a mighty, hulking four-armed ape-beast of the tundra what reminds one of yeti.

You know what these four-armed yetis on another planet remind me of? Why, the four-armed yetis on Mars (See previous Not-Yeti post) from Edgar Rice Burroughs' classic Barsoom novels! I wonder if it was a deliberate nod.

Coincidentally, I am currently reading the first in the series (Princess of Mars) in anticipation of the new film. Incidentally, I recommend this New Yorker article.

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