Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Heroes of October 31, 2011

Don't be shy!

You heroes know who you are. But it is my job to let The Rest of the World know who you are.

Here is a Hero, a self-described skimpily-dressed one at that.

People spot this Hero just walkin' down the street.

Or this Hero in their darkened living room.

Heroes (like this one) are one-man teams.

It takes a Hero to put the snow in its place.

A Hero puts his head where his mouth is (this is a good thing).

Others of heroic nature get their pumpkin on...

A Pumpkin being gotten on.

Another Pumpkin being gotten on.

Heroes can be children! There, I said it!

Outfit for a Hero.

Hero displaying impressive worthiness for one so young.

Hero embarking on adventure.

Another Hero also embarking on adventure.

Heroes make friends easily. By virtue of being heroic.

This Hero fits right in with other motley characters.

Blink, and you will think a Hero is just part of the crowd.

But a Hero blends in like a hero.

Even when circumstances dictate that a person has to step forward to defend oneself honorably, a Hero does so. And manages to befriend the enemy, making all utility of fisticuffs moot.

In conclusion, heroes get all the love...

Love for a Hero from baby.

Love for a Hero from significant other.

Love for a Hero from frog.

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