Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gratitude for Kiwa Hirsuta

Today we have a smörgåsbord of yeti crab for you to appreciate.

First off, I am pleased to announce that the award for greatest costume of Halloween 2011 goes to...

Yes, a Yeti Crab!

Congratulations, Abbie Brown! You are the Hero of Heroes.

Speaking of yeti crab costumes... I always wanted to see more pics of this mascot. I found some more!


And you can see footage of it here:

WCMB 2011 Yeti crab - the movie from Emmett Duffy on Vimeo.

Guess what this guy did?

"Andrew [Thurber] also brought with him two examples of a second species of the yeti crab, collected on cold seeps off western Costa Rica. The first yeti crab, a single specimen of Kiwa hirsuta, was collected on hot vents south of the Easter Islands and was sufficiently unique to warrant establishment of its own family. Hence, Andrew’s two specimens of the new species increase the number of collected specimens of this family worldwide by 200%."
Go Andrew!

I hadn't seen this scientific drawing before:

But now I have and so have you.

Here's a little fan art, a kiwa-inspired companion creature to this vampiric youth character:

steamedCrustacean and lusus by ~darlimondoll on deviantART

Finally, I'd like to personally appreciate deep sea expeditionary illustrator Karen Jacobsen (blog|portfolio). She accompanies the scientists in the submersibles and often gets to be the very first person to watercolor sketch the new species they discover in the underwater trenches. She paints from real life, making her illustrations while peering out the sub's little window or when the specimen's first brought up on deck.

Jacobsen is the yeti crab's official portrait painter!

(Images are from this exhibit)

A big thanks to Karen Jacobsen and good luck on her next expedition!

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