Friday, March 25, 2011

Not Yeti Friday - Abominable Crab Men

In honor of Yeti Crab discovery week...

It is appropriate to talk about half-yetis, half-crabs. Perhaps you prefer the term lycrabthopes? I pity you.

By their very virtue, these Crab Men are abominable. Such creatures should not exist under the jurisdiction of the Lord.

The most literal example I found is depicted in this painting, The abominable snow(crab)man. Alternately The Clawsus, by dcritelli:

Nailed it.

But the most famous Abominable Crab Man is Clawful from He-Man: Master of the Universe:

But this fella has to take the crown... how more abominable can you get?:

You are reviled by Mother Nature herself, sir. Well done.

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