Yeti face paint by K.C. Price
...so you didn't have to!
If you are right now looking at this picture of the gorgeous and odd little Kiwa hirsuta crustacean and you don't feel a thing and your sense of wonder isn't poking at your soul to pay attention, and instead you're merely shrugging it all off in some über-jaded state of tepid I-don't-give-a-damn numbness, well, it might be time to put down the opium and seek some help, no?
Big deal? Maybe not. But then again, maybe. Maybe it's something to which you should pay some divine, gleeful attention.
Painting by Sarah Rose Adler
Just look. Kiwa hirsuta is just a little bit mesmerizing, strange, stirs up something deep and potent. An eyeless, albino, crablike animal, sublime and magical and perfect in its alien weirdness, about six inches long with forearms sticking straight out of its torso and extending twice the length of its body, with those forearms and its legs all covered in a silky blond fur, like something straight out of a medieval bestiary, a Sendak book, a Castaneda shaman's peyote dream.