Monday, January 3, 2011

Battle of the Cryptids

Google Ngram Viewer lets you chart the usage of specific words and phrases in books from 1800 to 2008.

I decided to have a cryptid battle with Yeti, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, and Chupacabra.

Let's take a closer look at the results:

Our man yeti was king in the 1960s. Look at him just destroying the others (remember this post?). But in the eighties, Bigfoot rose to dominance and just kept on putting his big foot down. In the land of the cryptids, the Bigfoot is king. Hard to argue with that data.

But look at that! In 2003 or so, yeti is back to his previous peak. Chupacabra asserted itself and Nessie continued to slither upward in a wavey motion.

Hey, wait a second, are you seeing what I'm seeing?

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