Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More Yeti Sightings at NYCC

Last week I reported on sightings of a Yeti at the New York Comic Con.

There have been more!

From here

Face off! From here

Even Jeff McClelland of Teddy and the Yeti fame (who was at the con as previously noted) had a run-in.

Apparently it was a feller INCOGNITO. Sources indicate he was promoting some kind of cable show at a specific booth at the con. Hence, the fuzzy duds. Does anyone know what show he was promoting?

UPDATE: Jeff McClelland himself writes in with the scoop:
"I've discovered the mystery of the Comic Con Yeti. He was part of a promotion for the show "Lost Tapes" airing on the Animal Planet channel. Here's a link.

I guess they got tired of having shows with actual animals, and decided to use fake ones now."

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