Saturday, October 9, 2010

Beatles vs. Yeti

It's John Lennon's 70th Birthday.

Both the Beatles and the Abominable Snowman were big Sixties phenomena. So it's no surprise they crossed paths once or twice. Here are two instances I found:

1) In 1964, the Beatles performed "Another Beatles Christmas Show" live at the Hammersmith Odeon in London. In one sketch, they pantomimed as explorers seeking the Abominable Snowman. The yeti was really Jimmy Savile in a suit.

See this gallery for loads of great scans, including these 3 I yanked:

Needless-to-say, according to this website, "they reportedly grew to hate this section so much that they vowed never to undertake anything similar again."


2) John Lennon created a trippy song for the White Album in 1968 called What's the New Mary Jane?. It features the line in the chorus: "She liked to be married to yeti". To hear the whole song, play this video (yeti line occurs about 40 seconds in):

Needless-to-say, the song was dropped and not used on the album.

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