Friday, September 10, 2010

Tougui Papercraft Yeti

Tougui is a big name in my book. He's appeared on this site more than once. His main claim to fame is his design of an amazing yeti MP3 player that I still covet with a fierce & terrible passion.

He attended a workshop put on by artist Patricio Oliver on making papertoy designs of various original characters. You can view the results of the workshop online. Tougui made some more yeti related work, which I include below.

Here is Tougui's Billy Sweet Monster:

Here is a cube yeti:

Here is a yeti crab (!):

Here is Harry, who is Barry's little brother:


Patricio Oliver made this Billy Sweet Monster, which is very yeti-ish. I'm keeping an eye on Oliver for you to see if he does more yetis:

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