Thursday, September 16, 2010

Not Yeti Friday - Gygor

I've posted about a couple of grotesques from the He-Man universe before: Grizzlor and Stratos.

But not GYGOR!

And there's a reason. He didn't actually exist until now.

Just this week the action figure for Gygor came out for you to BUY!

Yanked from Plastic & Plush

Gygor is so HUGE and so YELLOW that you will have to fork out quite a bit of moolah for this exclusive Action Figure of an Action Gorilla. Look at that axe! Is that obsidian?

Here's his packaging:

Note carefully his description: "Evil Fighting Gorilla"

Incidentally, this is all anyone knows about him. Just that he's evil and that he's fighting. And obviously, he's bright yellow. And also, he's yellowing. This, one has to presume.

I mean, look at him. It's not hard to imagine he was originally green and is now starting to ripen. Like a banana. Could he actually be a BANANIMAL (of Fabled Olde)?! I will leave further conjecture & debate on this matter to the esteemed voices in my head. One of them is a professor.

So Gygor was never actually a figure in the 1980's. They just made a prototype back then:

He has been improved.

FYI, there is a little blurb on the back of the new figure's packaging:

Shortly after the Great Unrest, Keldor was driven behind the Mystic Wall and Gygor, Lord of the Vine Jungle, led an army of beast men in a series of raids against the long forgotten Castle Greyskull, believing the many tales of its great and mysterious power. It was only through the combined powers of Oo-larr the jungle He-Man and The Goddess that Gygor was defeated and placed in a state of suspended animation. Eventually, Hordak returned to Eternia and the savage gorilla was freed by Evil-Lyn in her attempt to bolster Skeletor's forces agains the new Horde army. Gygor use his great strength to fight the Heroic Warriors.
Here's the thing: No one has any idea what any of this means. Like, "Oo-larr the jungle He-Man"? No one has ever heard of him.

Gygor, You enygma, you!

Anyway, current He-Man fans were excited to draw up artistic depictions of Gygor, who, you have to admit, kinda takes the cake being a giant yellow armored gorilla:

Bootleg fan-art from the message board

Leoghan fan art from the message board

2-Bad fan art from the message board

MechaShiva fan art from Poe Ghostal's

Megalodon custom from the message board


Welcome, Gygor, to the world. You've made it, baby. Don't ripen too fast and turn brown. And become inedible. Also, don't peel. People might trip on you for comedic effect. No one wants that. Also, it might be considered ironic. You being a big monkey and all. Maybe they should have called you Evil Fighting Monkey-Banana.

Stay Fighting.

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