Monday, July 19, 2010

Yeti vs. Hellcat

Who is that battling Hellcat on the cover of Patsy Walker Hellcat #4?

Why, it's Pete the Yeti, a yeti who wears plaid yellow pants.

From the Description:
Hellcat is still on the case, tracking the missing heir of an Eskimo witch coven. But hot on the trail is Pete the Yeti, whose rocket powered spruce is making her life difficult. But with the aid of a giant magical wolf named Manslayer and a giant talking Mayan calendar made of stone, she just might survive her trek through the last frontier. If she doesn't drown in a wave of snow bunnies first.
Sounds like fun. Here's a review with more pictures from it. And here's a crop from that site, showing Pete in all his plaid panted glory:

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