Friday, June 18, 2010

Not Yeti Friday - Knobby the Blond Bigfoot

In case you hadn't heard... in the mountains of North Carolina, there has been a recent sighting of a whistling, 10 foot tall ape-like hominid possessing six fingers and beautiful, yellowish hair & beard.

The legend of "Knobby" has been in the area since the 1970s (though he was never yellow).

Loren Coleman asked a number of artists and cartoonists to try to depict Knobby the Blond Bigfoot.

Be sure to check out his post with the depictions!

Here's a preview to entice you to check it out:

Artist: Ted Bastien

The only other example I know of a yellow hairy hominid is this yeti character from a Spanish comic called 'King Egg'.

More posts from Cryptomundo about the recent Knobby sighting:

* Knobby's Back
* Knobby Video

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