Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Yeti Doesn't Appreciate Being Called Bigfoot

I writer/illustrator Adam Rex.

Look at this yeti he did, and this one.

In his picture book, Frankenstein Makes A Sandwich:

He has a page about the Yeti (click image below to view bigger & read poem):

And he has a page about Bigfoot (click image below to view bigger & read poem):

I get asked a lot on this blog what the difference is between the two:

----"How is a Bigfoot not a yeti?"

----"Why don't you feature a well-known beef jerky commercial?"

----"Hey, you forgot Harry and the Hendersons!"

Many people think that Bigfoot is just a type of yeti, or yeti is a type of sasquatch.

Thank you, Adam Rex, for showing us how the Yeti and Bigfoot are emotionally affected by this common misconception.

In the sequel, Frankenstein Takes the Cake, one can assume by their cameo that the two have resolved their differences. They appear to be conversing amiably at a wedding:

That's a screaming flower girl interrupting them, btw. You'll have to buy the book and read it to find out more.

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