Friday, April 23, 2010

Not Yeti Friday - Goro the Bunny Eater

Goro the Bunny Eater by RunFreakRun

Goro The Bunny Eater is made from fleece and he's about 8.5" tall from head to toe. This little sasquatch has a mouth filled with white rabbits that he hunts for to satisfy his enormous appetite.
If you check out Goro on his Etsy page, you can see more photos that show a sequence of him eating bunnies. Is amusing to me!


  1. Although Goro is completely adorable, it is my hope that someday yetis and bunnies will live in harmony.

  2. Sasquatch is from the Pacific Northwest - another name for Bigfoot. Yeti is from the Himalayas, another name for the Abominable Snowman. Sasquatch is usually brown. Yeti is usually white.
