Ewoks don't like
Teeks. They consider them pests.
Yes, there is a creature
lower in the evolutionary chain than an Ewok.

The Teek is like the
yeti in that it is very rare and rarely seen.
The Teek is not like the
yeti in that it has buck teeth and really likes to giggle.
Despite their irritating personalities, the Teek do possess the ability of super-speed - which is very handy when there are evil intergalactic thugs occupying your home
planet moon.
But they are lovers, not fighters. They are the polar opposites of the Ewok - who are some of the best warriors in the galaxy. Forget Klingons, the Ewok can kill a man in full armor just by flicking a rock at his shoulder.
(It occurs to me: is it really a fair fight between stormtroopers and Ewok? - the stormtroopers are actually just 155th generation copied clones of Boba Fett, right? So, I mean, they've gotta be pretty pathetic at this point, barely able to lift their blasters.)
Anyway, the story goes there was a male Teek whose name was "Teek". And he met Wicket the Ewok and little girls were saved, and members of the two polar opposites became chums, and waved goodbye to the little girls:

But really, how could you stay friends with a Teek? I bet you right after those little girls left, Wicket got peer-pressured into dissing his new giggling friend.
Ewoks gotta have somebody below 'em. Ain't no Ewok gonna be hangin' out with no Teek. Yub nub, eee chop yub nub.