Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Yeti Love the Ice Cream

monster and yeti by juliette la bĂȘte

Needle Felted Abominable Snowman by

legendary by Travis King

Yeti Necklace by Aubrey Hebert (whose etsy banner even has yeti and popsicle)

Yeti Ride t-shirt idea by Matt_THCHTHR

Mon Ami Le Yeti by David Merveille

Yeti by Aaron Blecha


And check out what a GIANT yeti uses for ice cream in this t-shirt design:

Yeti loves Icecream - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

Seriously, this is a trend. A big ol' trend. For some reason, people making yeti wanna make him holding an ice cream cone.

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