Friday, September 4, 2009

Not Yeti Friday - Son of Kong

There once was a giant ape-beast twice the size of a man and covered in white fur. He was one-of-a-kind and lived all alone. One day some explorers stumbled into his home. Was he dangerous? No. Despite his bestial appearance, he turned out to be quite affable and playful. When the humans ran into trouble, he did everything he could to save their lives.

Sound familiar? It could be a story of our conception of the yeti today.

But it was actually the 1933 movie, "Son of Kong", the sequel to King Kong.

Yes, King Kong had a son. He was much smaller in size, albino, and far friendlier than his father.

One can't help but wonder if this film had an effect informing our conception of the other famous Ape Man in popular culture.

Here he is, the Son of Kong... Just put some snow on the ground, and we're not far from depicting an Abominable Snowman.

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