Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mukku the Yeti

Mukku is a red yeti from a popular Japanese kids show called Hirake! Ponkiki. He hangs out with a little dinosaur boy named Gachapin.

At first I thought, well, he's not a yeti, but he apparently really is. Yes, even though he's red, with a propeller on his head, and creepy white hands.

According to his bio:

"Since he was born in an icy atmosphere, Mukku is unable to endure warm weather. The propeller on his head rotates when he needs to cool his body-helping him to relax."

He's so popular, they make all kinds of merchandise for him: pez dispensers, plush dolls, t-shirts, you name it.

pez stolen from here.

We've had green yeti, why not red?

I for one welcome our new propeller-headed crimson-haired snowmen.

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