Thursday, March 19, 2009

Scallywog Yeti

Sorry I've been as elusive as the yeti. I have a new job that requires me to travel and it makes it harder at times to share all the yeti love that's out there.

From Plastic and Plush blog:

"The Scallywogs' studio is a collaboration between two best friends that fell in love and married some twenty years ago. All started when David's love of plushies and Susan's many years of sewing experience came together to create something fun for their four children. David is the inspiration behind the character design and Susan brings the characters to life. These handcrafted adventurous little creations soon took on a like of their own demanding to be set free upon the rest of the world."

All of the Scallywogs are great. But one of them is of note: a yeti(!) named Betti:

From the site:

"Betti loves catching snowflakes with her tongue, but doesn't like running on carpets much, makes her hair stand straight out."

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