Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dunny/Munny Yeti

A "dunny", according to its wikipedia entry, is a kind of vinyl designer toy (created by Paul Budnitz and Tristan Eaton & produced by Kidrobot circa 2004 onwards), which resembles a rabbit with tubular ears.

Direct quote: "With the success of vinyl toys as a medium for expression, many fans and artists have put their own design onto the dunny, known as 'customizing'."

And many artists have customized the dunny to look like the yeti. Here is one example:

The artist Monster decay made a set of six dunnys...

...based on this drawing:

...and he made this dunny yeti as well.


A "munny", according to its wikipedia entry, is intended from the start to be a customizable "Do-it-Yourself" type action figure.

Patrick Francisco made this customized yeti munny. Visit his blog to see pictures of his process.

Props to the Incomparable Spencer M. for this yeti goodness!

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