Thursday, February 12, 2009

A brave new medium

Could this image below be the first yeti ever created on an iPhone? Or on any kind of mobile device?

I think so! And, to boot, this particular yeti appears to have just finished up a bit of bloodpainting. Yet another milestone in Yeti Representation.

The intrepid, pioneering artist behind this is Erik Sagen (aka kartooner). He has the distinct honor of being the first person ever to create a yeti on a mobile device. This opens the doors to a new tomorrow where Yeti Representers will make their yeti on the fly, wherever they happen to be: in the car, in the bath, on top of the roof, out on the beach... perhaps even, one day, floating tetherless in Outer SPACE???

Sagen used the iPhone/iPod Touch app Brushes to make it.

And, um, can I just say that I want an iPod Touch now? Just so I can get Brushes. Yow, that looks fun.

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