Friday, January 30, 2009

Not Yeti Friday - Mysterious Creepy Veiny Figure

runnerkara on flickr titled her photo "Abominable Snowman", but I don't think it is.

I mean, yetis don't usually have shoulders that go up to the tops of their heads. Or veins.


  1. i have this guy, he's japanese, in a series of monsters. bought it at uwajimaya- japanese grocery store

  2. Thank you, john backstrom. Can you tell us if it is meant to be specifically an Abominable Snowman? Or just a monster? That is the true mystery.

  3. This guy is Jamira/Jamila from Ultraman series. ;-)

  4. Thanks, WhiteGrizzlor!

    I didn't realize he breathed fire!

    He's not very yeti-like, is he?

    "Woo" is the best candidate from the Ultraman series.

  5. Yep, it's hard to say what Jamira exactly is. I can't.

    You're right about Woo ! I've got a toy of him and I forgot to mention !
    Just in case, there's another one called Gigas or Gigass who's a kind of yeti too.
