Friday, January 2, 2009

Not Yeti Friday - Chotta

Long-time reader Yayo brought the following to my attention:

Unknown in the United States, Francisco Ibáñez' Mortadelo y Filemón is one of the most popular Spanish comics series. It is published all around the world since 1969. In Germany, it is known as "Clever & Smart".

In one issue, the two insane detectives encounter the "Chotta", monstrous feral ape-men that evoke fear and panic. Here is the cover (snagged from here):

Ibáñez named them "Chotta" because it is bit of wordplay: the word "chota" means "crazy" or "lunatic" in Spanish and sounds a bit like "yeti".

Thanks, Yayo!


  1. Lol!

    Motadelo is saying something like: "Looks crazy that you're fear of that dwarf... ¡Leave it to me, I'll waste him with two slaps!"

    thx ^g^

  2. Little did he know that around the corner lurked La Chotta Grande!
