Thursday, August 7, 2008

A-Bomb of the Enigmas

The Enigmas was an action-comedy comic book series. One of its protagonists was a yeti named A-Bomb.

Kudos to the creators for thinking up that most perfect nickname for the Abominable Snowman... A-Bomb!


Here are the details:

"THE ENIGMAS is a creator-owned comic book series about Big Foot, The Loch Ness Monster, Abominable Snowman and an alien survivor of The Roswell Incident joining forces to prevent the Illuminati from replacing humans with a new dominant species. First published in Digital Webbing Presents #34-35. Written, inked and colored by Dustin Yee. Pencilled by Casey Maloney. Lettered by Ed Dukeshire."


  1. I really want this comic its not in comic stores or amazon

  2. It is on Comixology.
