Friday, July 18, 2008

Not Yeti Friday - Karmans

The Karmans are a faction in AT-43, the table-top miniature war-game notable for its minis arriving pre-assembled/pre-painted with interchangeable parts.

This alien race resembles white gorillas and likes to wear big armored battle-suits. Their society is focused around the concepts of karmic debt, environmental awareness and a warrior ethos. They're sort of like New Age Klingons.

Interestingly, the Karmans have chosen the names Yeti and Wendigo for some of their infantry groups. This either means they are self-aware of their resemblance to these presumably now ancient folkloric entities - or it's just what the human factions call 'em.

I really don't think it gets that much better than yeti in armored battle-suits wearing goggles and aviator caps. And just knowing they're obsessed with karmic debt takes it over the top.

If any of you all can beat this with something else, I'd like to see it.

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