Friday, April 11, 2008

Not Yeti Friday - Druid: Werebear & Warden Archon

A person called ShadowButcher has compiled an archive of concept art from the PC game, Diablo II.

The above image of of a "Druid: Werebear".

Turns out the designers didn't run with this particular concept art, making their were-bears in the actual game look decidedly un-yeti-ish. Thusly, I proclaim it NOT YETI.

I found a guide online that explains how to make a druid character in Diablo II that can turn into a were-bear. Proud of me?


The Book of Exalted Deeds is a D&D guide to things that are good (...good as in the alignment - as in NOT EVIL).

The book introduces the "Warden Archon", depicted above by Mark Nelson. It looks like an armored were-bear. Or possibly an armored yeti if you squint your eyes. It is apparently a very good and very powerful creature that guards things.

Verdict: NOT YETI.

I have done my service to my country today.

Note: I tried looking for more images of were-bears, but one on such a quest gets quickly into Furry territory, and no offense to Furries, but that's just not my thing.

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