Monday, March 31, 2008

Liam's Yeti

Glazed Expectations, a ceramic studio in Chapel Hill, NC, has after-school classes for kids.

A boy named Liam made this awesome yeti.

See the gallery for more ceramic art works.

DO NOT MISS: Ryan's Wolf Fury

It is Unmistakably the Greatest.

Brendan's print

Brendan of Paperbag Design is getting points with this one.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Not Yeti Friday - Littlefoot

Oh sure, it looks like yeti.

But as Professor Ichbonnsen explains, it isn't.

This is Littlefoot.

"Yeti is a catch-all moniker for several supposed animals, which include the Meh-Teh (the "classic" Yeti), the Teh-Lma (a three-foot-tall frog-eating Yeti), and the Dzu-Teh (a giant half-bear, half-ape creature, which walks on all fours). When people discuss the Yeti, it is almost exclusively the Meh-Teh that receives their attention. My own research confirms that the Meh-Teh is most likely a product of the imagination... But the Dzu-Teh is quite real. It is what the Littlefoot eats."

I urge you to read more about this amazing animal that is COMPLETELY DISTINCT from yeti in so many ways that I will have to leave it to the professor to count them all.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Yeti Hammer Throw

This bashful little guy is supposed to be a yeti, but I'm not sure I buy it.

What's with the cape and boots?

By "hammer", they must mean a sentient black ball with eyes.

You can play the online flash game here.

And they would have gotten away with it too...

...if it weren't for you meddling kids.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Yeti on Your Shirt

Yeti Jr. Kids Baseball Jersey

By Daniel M. Davis

Available at Monster Shirts

Yooo Hooo for Yeti! T-shirt

By Paige Pooler

Available at Cafe Paige

It was so cold that month, the Yeti come out to say hi

A yeti said hello to Silent Kimbly & friends in her web comic on a cold day last December.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

DC's Snowman

A recent comic book, Justice League Adventures # 12, featured the Snowman as one of the Cold Warriors, a group of ice-themed villains led by Mr. Freeze:

Click to see bigger.

So who is this Snowman of the DC Universe?

Why, it's Klaus Kristin, the hybrid son of a male yeti and a human woman.

The Snowman's first appearance was Batman # 337:

Later, he would fight Batman in Tibet in issue # 522 and presumably die.

However, he mysteriously shows up on the cover of Supergirl # 7, but I'm not sure he's even featured in the story.

And now he's back even more mysteriously as a member of Mr. Freeze's gang fighting the modern-day Justice League.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Rejected Beasts

Two artists chose the yeti as the subject of their submission to Jacob Covey's follow-up to Beasts!:

1) Jason Raish

2) Steven Russell Black

The other submitters' work that didn't make the cut have been collected here.

More Zelda Yeti

A better look at Mr. and Mrs. Yeti from the new Zelda game.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Not Yeti Friday - L'abominable homme fromage

I'm on some kind of French kick.

Véronique D., alias Miss Gally made this picture.

I asked my friend Nate, who knows French:

Do you know what the Abominable Cheese Man is saying? I mean, besides the obligatory "RAAAAA"?

Nate: The monster is saying "raclette" (RAAAAA-clette), which is a melted cheese dish (not as melted as fondu, like still stringy, cooked in little pans), usually served with bread, meats, and small pickles called cornichons. It also refers to some types of cheese that are in the dish.

Thanks, Nate!

L'Abominable homme des neiges

On the French Drawmadaire sketch blog, the theme for one week was L'Abominable homme des neiges. These are two of my personal favorites, but see the rest here.

Nicolas "Nils" Rivet can be acknowledged for creating this very kid-friendly painting. (Note: The rest of his work isn't necessarily kid-friendly).

And on the not-so-kid-friendly front, Mikl Olivier made this homage to Tintin.

Olivier explains in his post that he chose to make his yeti closer to one of Jean-Louis Mourier's trolls from the French comic "Trolls de Troy" (example here), rather than keep him as the timid, kind-hearted chimpanzee of the original Hergé.

Here is what the yeti is saying: "Mille sabords!"

This is "A Thousand Portholes!" in French, and is a shortened form of "Mille millions de mille sabords!" (Ten Millions of Thousand Portholes!), something the Tintin character Captain Haddock said all the time as a curse in the original French version. A 'sabord', as I am led to understand, is a hole in the hull of old wooden ships through which the guns were fired.

In the English version, this bit of real nautical slang was changed to "Shiver me Timbers!".

So now you know.

Hey, if you've got a sketch blog, please consider making the theme "L'Abominable homme des neiges", and then send me a link. Would love to see what people come up with.

Yeti Crab lives!

Although not the first to do so (that would be Kristen McQuillin), SappyMooseTree aka Mandy Jouan has made an excellent yeti crab plush.

Where McQuillin's kiwa hirsuta went for accuracy, Jouan's goes for cuddliness.

More of this please!

Let's have more yeti crab fan art in general. Just because the scientists aren't down in the ocean depths taking more photos of it doesn't mean we should forget. Let it never fade in our Cultural Memory. Remember the yeti crab!

P.S. Super-Artist Jouan is talented at everything and is even a champion Lego Builder. Learn more:

  • The artist's Flickr page with more pics
  • Her home page
  • Her blog
  • Her Etsy shop
  • Article about her Lego Building
  • Thursday, March 20, 2008

    Green Bay Blizzard's Bruiser

    Not to be outdone by the Canadians, professional arena football team, Green Bay Blizzard, has a yeti mascot named Bruiser.

    Darkstalkers' Sasquatch

    Sure, his name is Sasquatch, but check out his white fur and all his many ice-based attacks.

    Dude looks like a yeti.

    Were you aware?

    He can...

  • ...surround himself with icy spires.

  • ...ride his opponent around like a sleigh.

  • a beam of frost.

  • ...breathe out a small, slippery pool of ice onto the ground.

  • ...swallow people whole, then belch them out encased entirely in ice.

    For your viewing pleasure, footage of Homer Simpson beating him up.

    And a snippet of the really, really bad American cartoon. The least of its crimes is that they changed his name and the name of his people to "Bigfoot".
  • Wednesday, March 19, 2008

    I made a comic

    I am trying out Bitstrips, where you can make your own characters and comic strips. They provide all the tools to do so. You don't do any drawing.

    This is the closest I could get to a yeti. It wasn't easy.

    Stay tuned for more bitstrips starring The Yeti. Maybe.

    Wooly Yetis

    An uncredited employee of Chragokyberneticks, a graphic design bureau in Switzerland, made Disorientation Man In the Woods Of The Wooly Yetis for his/her company blog's Illustration Friday.

    The theme was "superhero".

    Kudos to the artist for throwing in some yetis in there anyway.

    Dzu Teh

    The miniature wargaming system Heroscape has a Thaelenk Tundra Expansion set, which contains ice terrain and three yeti miniatures!

    In the fantasy world of the game, they are called "Dzu Teh".

    It is interesting to note the origin of the name Dzu Teh. In the real world, it is another name for the Himalayan Red Bear and translates to "cattle bear". According to the Dzu Teh's Wikipedia Page, it is:

    "often associated... with regard to the Yeti myth. The Dzu-Teh, a Nepalese word, has been part of the Yeti, and later the Abominable Snowman (circa 1921), phenomenon from its early inception due to the location of its Himalayan habitat."