Friday, February 15, 2008


Who is Xemnu?
Looks like a yeti to me.

(Above: John Byrne's illustration from the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe.)

He's not. He's a villain from the Marvel Comic Book Universe - an evil, psychic alien criminal from another planet.

Xemnu was originally known as The Hulk.

Then, he was The Living Titan (- to distinguish him from a dead one, I suppose).

He had to change his title when he battled The Actual Hulk. But he was always good ol' Xemnu.

He was clearly very powerful, though his plots were strange. For instance, one time he wanted to steal the Earth's children... Oookay.

When he went up against She-Hulk, they apparently performed ballet. Some kind of warthog-headed man was jealous. "I HAVE NO MOUTH AND I AM MEAN!!" was all Xemnu had to say on the subject.

Despite his lack of a mouth, the fans still love him. Someone made him into a cuddly plush doll.

Someone else made him into a micro-man.

And even an action figure.

Here's what I've learned about him from reading his Wikipedia page and another site about him:


  • He can project a "Mento-Blast" into his enemies.

  • At one point, he was the star of his own children's television show. It was called "The Astro-Nuts" and the kids loved it (probably because Xemnu hypnotized them). He played himself, an alien from the Magic Planet, and had an astronaut side-kick.

  • He's often in gaseous form between maniacal plots.

  • For a little while, he was a teddy bear in a giant alien's toy collection.

  • He can control billions of people with his mind.

  • He converted She-Hulk into "She-Xemnu" once.

  • He's obviously had quite a life!
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