Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Children vs. Yeti

This commercial educates youth in effective yeti defense.

Eating Cheerios will give all children the "Go-Go-Power" (i.e. inhuman super-strength) to create giant snow balls to hurl at attacking yeti. Individual snow balls will do little to stop the unbridled fury of a Himalayan Man-Beast. But by using teamwork, the children will discover that combining the mass of two snow balls will weigh the yeti down, thereby causing it to crash through a layer of thin ice into frozen water, where it will be encased inside an ice cube. Thus, the yeti is immobilized and forthwith defeated. Al children rejoice in delight. Breakfast (and to a lesser extent, teamwork) save the day.

Please note that the yeti was disguised as a mountain before its surprise attack.

This is an attribute of yeti worth noting, so please do so.

Be highly suspicious of any mountains. Watch them carefully for signs of yeti-ness.

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