Tuesday, December 4, 2007

You can learn a lot from a Bumble

Tera sent me this video clip of the first appearance of Bumble, the yeti from Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964). If you are inclined to watch, the first 2 minutes are applicable to this blog.

Note how the strange lumberjack man cannot pronounce the word 'abominable'. Instead, he mangles it into "Bumble". Don't let his poor English fool you. He knows many things about the yeti. Listen to his old-timey wisdom and you will learn much.

What can we infer about the yeti from this video's bearded hero & friends?

  • Having a red nose is real drag. It will give you away to horrible snow beasts.

  • Very few people know of the yeti's one weakness, which is:

    DIY Icebergs!

    No wait, I am corrected. Yeti's one weakness actually is:

  • A penchant for sinking.

    (Technically, the sinking isn't really a problem for the yeti as evidence clearly shows it quite capable of rising back up again to exit the water. Rather, I believe the amiable, ginger-haired lumber-fellow meant to indicate that yeti's weakness is its inability to swim.)


    At the 2:30 mark of the following video clip, yeti returns to the story....

    And what can we learn from the bearded man and his adventures here?

  • Yeti is nothing without his choppers.

  • It pays to have a dentist with you.

    Once yeti is pushed over the cliff, fast-forward to 7:05, where we learn:

  • Without teeth, a yeti can be reformed by the companionship of a human, particularly if that human is bearded and jovial.

  • Reformation may result in a desire in the yeti to seek acceptance and possibly employment (menial chores and the like) within a community of other beings.

  • Step-ladders are unnecessary items to the yeti. No need to procure them in advance if you are having one over to your house.

  • The Abominable Snowmen are capable of surviving falls from great heights. Their bodies are apparently similar to elastic balls.

    In summation, the following traits can now be applied to the yeti:

  • yeti cannot swim


  • it possesses incredible resiliency
  • is almost impervious to any harm
  • can track its prey over long distances
  • needs no step-ladders

    However, without its teeth:

  • it is nothing
  • will become docile if reformed by outdoorsy types
  • stops killing everything
  • will decorate christmas trees

    Rankin/Bass, you are enlightening us all.
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