Friday, August 3, 2007

Spidey Meets the Yeti

I am so excited this is now available on the web:

Spidey Meets the Yeti!

From Electric Company!

Watch it to the end and you will learn the following:

  • Yeti likes to sit on cold things because they remind him of his icey home in the Frozen North.

  • Yeti is a dumb yeti: He can't read street signs and thinks cake icing is made of ice.

  • Spiderman hiccups when he speaks and then stares at his speech bubble.

  • Morgan Freeman the policeman calls yeti "Fuzzy".

  • Nobody knows who Spiderman is! (Wait, I thought we did. Isn't he Peter Parker?)
  • 1 comment:

    1. oh praise jesus. PRAISE HIM. No one believed me when I said that spiderman fought the yeti on electric company. CHRIST.. I AM VINDICATED
