Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Yeti is One Man against a Thousand

This is Eddy the Yeti, a puppet performed by Canadian kindergarten teacher Kanja Chen.

Here are some other Eddy the Yeti:
Eddie the Mean Old Yeti
Eddy the Yeti of the ice cream novelties

Artist Mark Brown often depicts little yeti in his paintings.

This is by the guy who creates Head Injury Theater, and I refer you to his Halloween page where he did drawings based on photos of weird costumes.

The following three links are not related to the above photo.

Get Ready for Yeti
Ice Monster
Yikes, It's a Yeti!

Mr. David Alan Brooks writes many a limerick. Scroll to the bottom of this page and you may read not one but two excellent limericks about the Recurring Motif of This Page.

1 comment:

  1. Omg, first one is a Yeti Osbourne! Looks exactly like Ozzy! Haha!
